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High Status Networking

February 23, 20246 min read

“When I was a kid, I realized that Networking is something you'll do for the REST OF YOUR LIFE." -Shungunna

Unlocking the Power of High Status Networking: Achieving Local Celebrity Status in Business and Life

If you understand this 'Unfair Advantage' and want to learn more about High Status Networking, check out this complimentary video training I recorded here:

The concept presented in this article is a proven framework consisting of seven transformations that need to happen in order to achieve local celebrity status through the art and skills of High Status Networking.

By reading this article, you will learn about our systematic approach to networking while understanding the importance of mastering these transformations to gain a competitive advantage in business and life.

If you’re a serious student, and are interested in following the path of achieving local celebrity status – we invite you to learn more about becoming a VIP Member.

Learn more about becoming a VIP Member here.

When I was a kid, I realized that Networking is something you'll do for the REST OF YOUR LIFE.

Think about it.

You've been networking since you were a kid.

Making friends.

Connecting with people.

Disassociating from people you don't want to be around anymore.

The list goes on.

And guess what?

This applies directly to business.

Business Networking is something you’ve been doing and will continue to do.

If you’re in business, listen up because most entrepreneurs simply do not understand this truth:


So why not get real good at it?

Once I realized this truth, I told myself that I MUST master networking.

It’s non-negotiable in my book.

Since making that decision, I’ve been intentional about practicing the art of networking.

Through my journey, I’ve created a frame which separated me from the status quo.

I call that frame High Status Networking.

When you execute High Status Networking successfully, you become a High Status Brand.

After I achieved this transformation, the next question that came to me was this...

Will this work for anyone other than myself?

To find out, I put together a minimum viable product through the medium of an online coaching program (for $250) and opened it up to my following.

A handful of individuals from different industries and places in the world heard my call and got started.

After three months from launch, we had our first successful High Status Transformation.

I raised the price to $1,000.

Offered the High Status Networking Program again.

More VIPs got started and succeeded in experiencing the High Status Transformation.

A year went by and I collected enough data to systemize how this transformation could be achieved, and more importantly, WHY a High Status Transformation could be duplicated.

Here's what I discovered.

It works regardless of what you look like.

It works regardless of where you are.

It works regardless of how much money you have or don't have.

It works regardless of the language you speak.

It works regardless of if you use social media or not.

It works regardless of if you're a man or woman.

It simply just works.

The price is now $10,000 to gain access to this system.

So here's the big question...

Do you want to learn the exact system that my VIP Students applied?

Continue reading because it's right here.

This system consists of 7 transformations that must happen in order for you to become a High Status Brand.

Those 7 transformations are:

  1. Cultivating a High Status Understanding of the World

  2. Developing a High Status Mindset

  3. Arming yourself with High Status Skills (Networking & Branding)

  4. Creating a High Status Brand

  5. Applying High Status Networking

  6. Monetizing Connections

  7. Having a High Status Networking Guide

Transformation #1 Cultivating a High Status Understanding of the world

  • The goal is to become a celebrity in your market place.

  • When you think about celebrities, they have all of the world’s attention on THEM.

  • Not the other way around.

  • Your goal should be to have everyone’s attention on YOU.

Transformation #2 Developing a High Status Mindset

  • Training yourself out of scarcity and into abundance, is a MUST.

  • Learning personal development and becoming a master of your own mind by training your MIND to be open to everything and attached to nothing.

  • You’ll face adversity, trials and tribulations.

  • Life isn’t easy, but it can be once you conquer the mind and your emotions.

Transformation #3 Equip yourself with High Status Skills

  • In order to shoot a gun, you must have ammunition.

  • In order to use High Status Skills, you must learn sales, persuasion, and influence.

  • Leveraging those 3 skills alone will set you apart from the competition.

  • We will equip you with the ammunition that you need to be successful.

Transformation #4 Creating a High Status Brand

  • In order to attain High Status, you have to learn how to develop a High Status Brand ONLINE.

  • There are wrong ways to do this and there are right ways to do it.

  • Most people do it the WRONG way, and it gets them nowhere FAST.

  • However, building your brand online is only a slice of the pie.

  • This is where the 5th transformation comes in.

Transformation #5 Applying High Status Networking

  • In order to attain High Status, you have to learn to develop a High Status Brand IN PERSON.

  • Again, there are wrong ways to do this and there are right ways to do it.

  • And most people do it the WRONG way, and it still gets them nowhere FAST.

  • When you Network the RIGHT way, you get ACCESS to things that normal people can’t.

  • And having High Status ACCESS is what makes your life EASIER.

  • As a byproduct, you get an instant lifestyle upgrade.

Transformation #6 Monetizing Connections

  • You have been making connections since you were a kid.

  • You have learned how to make friends with others.

  • You have learned how to treat people with the respect they deserve.

  • Now it’s time to STEP YOUR GAME UP and learn how those connections can equate to a value exchange.

  • Learning to leverage your connections through High Status Networking is how you can multiply your income or make additional income on the side of what you’re currently doing.

Transformation #7 Having a High Status Guide

  • Learning from a High Status Mentor who’s DONE IT.

  • I remember when I first started out with having nothing to my name or brand.

  • Having no recognition, authority, or power at all.

  • After achieving Local Celebrity Status on my own, interested students would seek me for guidance.

  • Whether it be through public speaking, 1 on 1 coaching, podcast interviews, zoom calls, or in-person events.

  • Learning from the right MENTORS and having their guidance can change EVERYTHING for you.

  • Learning from a High Status Guide is what will cut YOUR learning curve and shave years off of the time you would take to attain HIGH STATUS.

  • Believe me when I say there is a shortcut and an easier way.

  • It’s with Mentorship from somebody who has a proven system and who has actually done it.

If you read this article and understood the truth about networking, your next step is to become our newest VIP Member for our High Status Networking Coaching Program.

By implementing High Status Networking into your life, you will get the unfair advantage of standing out from any crowd you find yourself in.

If you’re serious about becoming a High Status Brand but need help implementing High Status Networking, connect with us by: Becoming a VIP Member Now

This article was all about how to become a local celebrity by using High Status Networking.

High Status Networking is a methodology created by Shungunna, and was designed based on his experience of networking with affluent and influential individuals, companies, and communities.

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Shungunna is a business strategist, marketing consultant, and family man. "Do Something Good With Your Life"

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